Payment options
and Finance
At CDC we offer a range of treatments that you may prefer to pay in instalments.
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At CDC we offer a range of treatments that you may prefer to pay in installments. We offer finance through Tabeo, pleae ask at reception for further details.
Treatment over £250.00 can be paid monthly with NO INTEREST. Finance can be taken over 3,6,10 or 12 months. Some treatments may require an initial deposit to cover primary laboratory bills.
If you would like your treatment to be carried out under finance, please bring your direct debit details to your first appointment with proof of ID (such as passport or driving license). Please be aware we cannot complete any treatment until the finance plan has been authorised or the treatment has ben paid in full.
The practice offers NHS care, Denplan and a Private options.
We have a limited contract for NHS patients. Unfortunately at the moment we are not accepting new NHS patients to our practice. For further information contact reception on 01670 712 100
Click here to see a list of current NHS charges.
Denplan is by far and away the biggest dental capitation scheme in the UK. Under Denplan, patients pay a monthly charge and within that charge, all check-ups, scales and treatment are included.
The huge benefit of this is that patients are no longer faced with potentially heavy charges when something is needed or goes wrong and this has proved over many years to be very attractive to our patients.
There are a small number exceptions to this basic rule, in a nutshell, anything which involves a laboratory charge such as a crown or a denture is charged out at cost and cosmetic treatment (treatment not needed for to repair or maintain your teeth), orthodontics and minor oral surgery (such as the removal of a wisdom tooth) are excluded.
You can find more about Denplan here.
For some types of treatment, patients sometimes prefer the private option. This includes all cosmetic work, facial treatments, orthodontics and elective surgery. Prices are offered at the time of examination.
Please contact our team for more information on 01670 712 100 or email for more information.